Thursday, August 26, 2010

Deeper than a Puddle

Hey I thought I'd make my first blog more of a biblio cause it seems appropriate.

A little about me~

Dudes call me Dan, girls call me Daniel, but I'm the type of guy that purposely goes to the first day of class late so that I have to sit next to someone. I don't reeaally like meeting new people but I love friends and talking to everyone; especially in school cause that's where people stress out, and I usually have a relaxing affect :)

I worked out for about 3 years, skateboarded for 5 years and was just a skateboard-kid for most of my teenage years, but have always played video games for fun. And not games like... wii... or mario party... but tons of RPGs until I discovered MMOs and MMORPGs.

A movie called Patch Adams changed my life when I was 13 and super depressed. I realized that my life was extremely self centered and I need to pay attention to the needs of others. People have always called me a super nice guy, so I just really appreciate that and smile back; of course though, I don't always put others first and have withdrawn before to spare myself arguments and stuff like that. I am a work in progress.

I come from a family of psychologists who are extremely concerned with studying motives. I feel like lately I've been trying to separate myself from that mindset and just trust everyone until proven otherwise.. like not to trust.

I learn from anything I can and constantly study philosophies. Maybe not in a formal sense, but through a small library of audio courses. I've definitely thought about all of life's biggest questions and am one of those rare people who can give an answer for everything they believe, hahaha

My general philosophy about life has got to be - others need lifting - you can do anything unless proven otherwise - avoid dogmatic restraints :)


  1. Nice first post bud! Keep it up :)
    Why was it that Patch Adams changed your life.
    (excuse my ignorance but I have yet to see that's on my list)!

  2. Patch Adams is an actual guy who attempted suicide and sent himself to a mental hospital to get better, but it was there that he found the ambition he needed to live a life other-focused, to find real happiness within self-denial.

    It clicked with me on so many levels and showed me that I had so much misdirected concern and selficiousness that just needed to be stopped.. It took me years to really apply that mode of thinking to my life though, and really just go from being a quiet kid only wanting to go out and have fun and fulfill my own ambitions, to being concerned about others' lives and people's wellbeings :]

  3. Awesome Blog! I actually remember you talking about patch adams when we were freshmen in highschool:)
