Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Useful "Thought Experiment"

I was challenged to assign 100 "value points" to the categories of Love - Talent - Recognition. Here's me:
60 Talent
30 Recognition
10 Love

Do those numbers look strange? Try it for yourself and post :]

Another exercise I have to try is writing down what I value in life. Here's mine again:
Happiness, peace, natural beauty, excitement, active sport participation, improving my body, entertainment, TV, video games, movies, fun group activity, socializing with friends, love, being viewed positively, being nice, being funny, being silly, money, financial security, a nice place to live, close family, music, music participation, public performances, fame, healthy food, nice clothes, learning, continuous formal education, a fulfilling job, travel, airplane flying, art, the newest gadgets.

It's sad to say far too many people don't know what they want. Many spend their entire lives chasing things before they've sat down and determined that it's worth chasing in the first place. Will what I pursue now be best in the future? What do I really need to be happy? Questions we need to constantly know the answers to.

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